Monday, November 3, 2014

Sims 4 Review

The time has come for my first review... (crowd screams). I'm extremely excited to start reviewing so let's get to it. First off, I'll be reviewing the Sims 4 Premium Edition. Long story short, this game made me miss the Sims 3. Don't get me wrong t's got it's good aspects and it's bad just like every game, but what turned me off about it was what they took away from it. They took what seems to me to be simple base game elements that make no sense to take unless EA is trying to leave these elements out for the time being so that they are able to use them to entice people to buy an expansion packs. Knowing big business, it's not a stretch lol. Anyways here are my thoughts...

I love everything they did with CAS except the preset color and patterns. The face and body adjusting is perfect for if you want to recreate real people. It allows you to get scary close to the actual person's features. The clothing selection is much better (base game wise) than previous Sims games, especially when is comes to the children's clothes. My Sim kids used to look homeless lol. The hair, shoes, make up, and accessories were as expected and of course those preset Sim tattoos... Sigh. How awesome would it be if they let us customize our own?

Build Mode: Much like CAS, I looooooved Build Mode. It made what used to be a huge pain in the butt that I avoided at all costs become a semi-pleasant experience that had corners for me to cut without fully giving up my creative freedom. You can definitely tell that they took Build Mode and dumbed it down as much as possible for people like me (yay me!!!). Only thing I didn't like again is the preset colors and patterns. If you can't tell... I used that feature A LOT lol.

Live Mode: Now, here's my problem area. First of all, I hate that they make you have to deal with a loading screen just to travel around town. I liked the whole free world thing they had going. And I'm not afraid to admit that I used to watch my Sims travel around town in my passing time like a stalker in the night. Maybe I'm trying to ensure that my kids don't get kidnapped as they race to catch the school bell or my Sims get robbed while improving themselves by innocently jogging. Yea, I know those things don't happen in the Sims but what if?... Speaking of the town, where is it? There's no grocery store, no movie theater, no bookstore, nothing but club's,lounges and gym's. My Sims will not be forever 21... so I'm going to need EA to provide me with more family friendly activities than a jungle gym-less park. And yes I'm aware that you can now grocery shop using the fridge and pretty much anything can be bought online, but how else am I supposed to keep my slave-like housewives from getting stir crazy and depressed?! A casual trip to the grocery store or the library is all they have to look forward to. God knows their husbands won't take them out lol. On a positive note, I do like the multitasking and specialized conversation based on a Sim's mood. It makes forming a relationship a tad easier, at least for me. Everything else about it is OK... but Sims 3 is better... just saying.

All in all, it's not bad. It's still a Sims game at heart but some of the changes they made, made it feel unfamiliar. For me it failed to ignite that little addictive spark I usually get from a Sims game. Fortunately,  I think that if you're a first time player than you'll probably be enthused by all the things that originally make the Sims a great game to begin with. Go figure that a game about living everyday life could be so addictive. Aaaaand ironically take so much time away from our daily lives... but anyways. As a person who has been a Sims fan since the PC 's Sim's Vacation, it was a bit disappointing. Definitely didn't meet the hype for me. Buuuut since it is a Sims game, i'll give The Sims's 4 Premium Edition a...

Gummy Bear Rating!!!

Much like gummy bears, this game comes with a variety of options that compliment various playing styles. Translation, it has something for everyone to enjoy. No matter what happens to it, we always remember it as a classic that suffices kids and adults alike. Though I wasn't impressed with this particular batch I have faith that the next will be better aka pray for great expansion packs!!!

Thanks for reading you guys! I tried to keep it short and simple. I am however working on an in-depth review for those of you who wants specifics, so please let me know if you'd like me to go through with that or if this was suffice. Look out for my next reviews because they are coming! Please don't forget to +1 this post, add me to your google plus circles and share this on EVERYTHING!!! Like Emo Dave on facebook! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here you go...

First Emo Dave Post: Dave Therapy

Click here for: Emo Dave's Facebook


Also, apparently I am a twitch streamer now lol you can come check out how wonderfly bad I am @ I'm usially on weekday late mornings and early afternoons eastern time so stop in. I'll do my best to figure out how to record so you guys can catch what you've missed lol

For a laugh, check this out: Let's Talk About... FIGHT CLUB!!!

To all my players I say, GameON!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Mario Kart 8... The Death Stare

Have you ever played a game vs an A.I. and though you know that there is no way possible that this A.I. could have negative feelings towards you, you just can't help but feel it's a tad personal?

Well Nintendo resurrected those gamer instincts in Mario Kart 8. And by that I mean this... 

The Luigi Death Stare

Of course it has become an overly used internet meme as all unique and funny things eventually do but it's still pretty funny lol... One of the things that I have come to love about this game and Nintendo in general is that even though it is a recycled idea, (no we don't like to think of it that way but let's be honest with ourselves) they find ways to make it new and fun. I mean the tracks are both epic and unique. They remind me of times as a kid playing the side scroll version of Mario when he was nothing but colored pixels. 

On a side note though, I don't know if it's just by coincidence or not but in Mario Kart 8, it seems to create these underlying rivalries between characters, both between you and an A.I. and even between two A.I.'s. I don't know if that was a sneaky little programming part or not but it makes the game a lot more alive and competitive in my opinion, which is ALWAYS a good thing. Especially on a game franchise. No one wants to buy a bunch of different games but feel like they've only played one.

I will say this though. The internet has completely over looked the other characters in this game. They all have moments where they look like if they'd stab you in your sleep, given the chance lol

 For example...

Now i'm not gonna comment on every picture, however I have no choice but to point something out here. If somebody looks that far back just to stare you down and show you how much of a game this is not, that is a clear indicator that person does not give one nor two cares about anything, including themselves and needs to be avoided at all costs. Just trying to help you out.

The sad thing about this picture, is not the fact that he is a baby who is racing in a dangerous possibly fatal course with sharp turns that give you absolutely no space or time for a person with normal depth perception and medium to low hand eye coordination skills to drift...(sorry that got personal). The sad thing is that even this youngster isn't safe from Luigi's wrath. Even though it's technically him... but let's pretend forgive the whole space and time discrepancies and focus on the injustices this little one is about to suffer. 
So young... So alive... So unprepared...

Unfortunately in this one, I can't tell if they are mean mugging or smiling... you be the judge.

This final picture helped me to realize my ending point for this blog... 

This is no longer a game... It just got real!!! lol

Hey if you guys are enjoying any of my blog content please don't forget to COMMENT and SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE lol thanks so much.
To all my players I say. Game ON 

If you liked this, your gonna love this: It's Coming!!!

Check out my FIRST REVIEW!!!: The Sims 4 Review

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It is coming!!!

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that the Halo Discussion is indeed coming. It has been an extremely busy time for me but after this July 4th weekend, I will be back on track!!! lol... So just hang in there with me gamers.

But no worries... I have something for you while you wait :)
Dave Therapy
Dave- I Hate Wall-Mart
If I had a nickel for every time I...

Hopefully those tickle your fancy... Yep i actually said that lol
Also... some thought provoking pics. This is a serious situation people. Let's try and figure this out.

When I was playing red dead, water wasn't my main issue. It was cliffs. I'll take the blame when it comes to over estimating my horses ability to take a boulder to the face, but you have to admit that rockstar created those cliffs in a way where their level of steepness was deceiving to the eye. I'm just saying.

Now, I am a polite online player, for the most part. So, I don't typically go around different lobbies yelling noob and get a girlfriend. But I have heard some crazy ones. It's funny cuz it seems like those who throw (we'll call it game hate) out are usually those whom are losing sooooo... On to the next one lol

Never played Zelda a day in my life... still knew the answer lol. Thus, no excuse. Btw what show is that??? If anybody knows, let me know in the comment section... thanks... moving on lol

 I'm a huge batman fan, well I'm a joker fan but batman got grandfathered in lol. But yeah this one is going on the lock screen.

Sigh... I saved this one for last. There is NO excuse for this right here. That's disrespectful to me. To you. To Xbox. To Microsoft. To gaming. To planet earth. Well maybe not planet earth, but disrespectful nonetheless.

Last but not least... a hilarious youtube video of one of my fave gameplay personalities. That may not be what they're called but that's what my brain came up with soooooooo were gonna go with that lol

Before you read the link aaaaand judge... click n check it out... it's funny!!!
Barbie Dreamhouse Part 1
Barbie Dreamhaouse Part 2

Thanks so much for reading!!! And just in case you're a first time reader, check out, Just a Girl Who Games!

Check out my nest gaming post: The Luigi Death Stare

To all my players, I say Game ON

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Just a Girl Who Games

Hey, my name is Bri aka BriBaby and I am just a girl who games. I have another blog, Writer4Hire (which you should definitely check out lol) but I wanted a blog that was all things gaming, anime and all my other little guilty pleasures. I thought I'd get started by introducing myself as a gamer. Due to my current lack of finance, I am not on the newest of the new like I would like to be. But fear not my fellow gamers! For when there's WiFi there is a way.

I have taken this circumstance and turned into an opportunity. An opportunity to get in touch with my gaming roots. By that I mean, Halo. True, I had a PlayStation and a Gameboy Color (it was the purple see through one... omg i loved that thing) back in the day and occasionally hurt some feelings on Super Smash Bros Melee on Gamecube, but I didn't consider myself an actual GAMER until I played Halo 2 on the original XBOX. 

Yeah, yeah I know that is a pretty recent-ish release but I'm just being honest. I'm a girly-girl, tomboy hybrid, so video games didn't do as much for me then as they do now. But like a lightning bolt to the brain it finally hit me. Hello first person shooter! I don't know what it was about mercilessly DESTROOOOOOOOOYING my uncle and cousin on a custom game, but I discovered a totally new side to myself. Well give or take an O , aaaaaaand i usually betrayed my uncle, but back then a head shot was a head shot. 

Though, multiplayer will always be my first love, I didn't truly know gaming until I actually played a campaign. It had never occurred to me that I could sit down by myself, play a video game, and actually care about my character's life, making it to the next objective, and gaining achievements for what I'd done. After reaching this epiphany, I thought to myself, "Well what else have I been missing?" Thus, I got an Xbox 360.

 From there, i bought Halo's 3, ODST, Reach, (your welcome Bungie) and of course Halo 4 (your welcome 343). But I did not limit myself there. I played with different games of different genres and consoles. I found tons i loved (COD, The Sims, Heavy Rain) and some I didn't like so much (Magic... just any of them). If I'm being true to myself though, Halo is my fave... even if 343 completely ruins the franchise. Like seriously, as a buyer of the legendary edition of Halo 4... I was disappointed. In my opinion, i loved the graphics for the game and the campaign was a riot, especially when your're killing it on co op with a party of your friends, just being complete idiots. Ahh, good times. But I gotta be honest, the multiplayer was lacking. Even the DLC was eehhh. I would hope that they do much better with Halo 5's.

Speaking of which, I figured it would only be proper for my favorite game to be the topic for my next post. I call it the Halo Discussion. We'll go over the halos of the past and our hopes for the halos to come. I'll include my thoughts on the new Halo news and a Halo themed challenge, created by mwah. Thats right! This blog has challenges... DEAL WITH IT!!! LOL

So, in the comment section below, I want you guys to tell me what your favorite game up to date is and what game got you into being a gamer??? Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed hearing my "game beginnings" just as much as I'm going to enjoy yours.

Check out my next post: It's Coming!!!