Sunday, July 26, 2015

My Top 10 Netflix Bingers (Multiple Season Edition)

I don't know about you, but I am absolutely in love with Netflix! I have an extremely busy schedule, so its nice to be able to watch what I want when I want. I'm so serious! Netflix is up there with the invention of the automobile, telephone, and snickers bar. So yeah, it's UP there. It didn't take long for me to find out that I'm a BFL (binger for life). So being that I've tackled a few shows (some of which I am ashamed), I wanted to share my Top 10 list because I care lol. But seriously, this is a list of shows that had been out for a minimum of two years, before I even gave them a chance, that I now love. At the end of the blog there is a video to honor the number one spot, so stay tuned.

10. Heroes:

I was told about this show a couple of years ago and wasn't to keen on watching it. Once I did however, I was hooked. This show is fascinating in the way that everything is connected in some way or form. If you haven't seen it already, prepare to get mind raped. It plays with superpowers in a way that I never would've thought of. After about a month or so of binge watching, it got a bit (too much) for me. Not that I didn't like it, but the story line is so complex that it could overload you if clustered together. Worth a watch but only deserving of a number 10.

9. Psych:

Now this show, which I am proud to say, I found on my own well, Netflix kinda suggested it but that's beside the point. Psych is a witty crime drama/ comedy, where this guy pretends to be psychic but is really just observant and has awesome deduction skills. Reminiscent of a young, modern, reckless, and slightly dumb Sherlock Holmes. The show is so easy to get into and it's story is kind of episode to episode so you don't really have to see all of them to get it. The only reason this show made number 9 and not higher is because it lacks a progressive story over all and holds the same tempo. There's no climax so there is no build up, thus not much to keep you gripped to it.

8. Desperate Housewives:

Ok. I would've been the first one to say, "You're watching desperate housewives?! WTF Bri?!", Before you judge, if you haven't seen a bunch of women who appear to have it together, run around like chickens with there heads cut off, trying to plot against and keep secrets from each other, you haven't lived. I'll be the first to admit... Desperate Housewives is soooo juicy lol. The secrets, the murder, the scandal... it's all so juicy. Yet, no one goes to jail... anyways. There is no main character, in my opinion but I love the main cast. Each has a reason for you to both love and hate them. No one is innocent, which makes the show that much more interesting. Much like many shows, they stretch it a bit for more seasons and add more unnecessary stuff into it, overall losing grip on the main story but still worthy of an 8.

7. American Dad:

American Dad is the best (in my opinion) of Seth McFarlane's work so far. Except for maybe TED. TED was hilarious and hope TED 2 lives up to it. Anyways, American Dad may seem like a goofy, pointless show like Family Guy but it's characters are so much more developed and likable. Personally, I think Roger is one of the greatest characters on T.V. Not because he's crazy and hilarious but because over the course of the show he evolved from a supporting character to a main character that at a lot of different points, carries the show. The show overall is random but has some sort of story and breaks the fourth wall sometimes but it's funny and is charming enough to keep you interested. If you get excited about a new season of a show, I feel like the previous season does it's job and this show did that for me. Plus, I got pissed when FOX cancelled it.

6. Sherlock:

Just in case you didn't know, I am the world's best casting director (in my mind), but I wouldn't have thought to cast Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes. It was sheer brilliance! Sherlock has long episodes with short seasons but is so captivating, you just don't care. It's a beautiful , realistic take on the classic. It made rethink Robert Downy Jr. as my favorite holmie... see what i did there? no? ok...
By the way, can I just say that that guy from lord of the rings is making tons of cha ching right now. Martin Freeman is one of those guys you see here and there and at first don't think much of. Then before you know it, he's everywhere and you're like "Who is this guy?" lol I love them both and really have nothing negative to say about this show. It just doesn't grab me as deeply as my top 5.

5. How I Met Your Mother:

How I met your mother, one of the cutest and longest stories of our time. it literally took Ted nine years to tell it. Never before has a backstory been so much better than the actual story itself, in all of history. I was told that I haven't lived until I've watched this show, by a person who hadn't seen game of thrones... but I forgave them for them for it and they are now righting that wrong by becoming apart of this century and is now in love with it lol. I hate to admit it but they were right. This show is sooooo amazing! I don't have a favorite character because they are all my favorite. Whoever was the writer for this show is an absolute genius. The jokes and script are so original and witty, I rewound several parts to relive the joy lol. This show gets 5 stars from me on my 5 spot. I would've been higher had Ted not taken nine seasons to tell a cute story. Plus (SPOILER ALERT) it ended up being a dick around because in the end he got with the original girl they made you think the mother was in the first place. Deceitful lol

4. Dexter:

Now I don't condone killing but I can't help but love this serial killer. Dexter is a forensic analyst for the Miami PD, who murders criminals that slip through the cracks of the system. I mean come on, who else would know how to clean up a crime scene and get away with it better?! The reason I love this show is it's interesting take on a crime drama. Dexter is generally a good guy that has this . monster that's apart of him due to a traumatic childhood incident. What gets you is that he's trying to feed his bloodlust by killing people who have escaped their just punishments and yet starting to feel more natural human emotions, which makes for a lot of inner turmoil. Plus, he's a serial killer that hunts down serial killers. So yeah, it goes there.

3. Bob's Burgers:

Bob's Burgers was created by some of the same people who took part in one of my favorite shows of all time, King of the Hill. Before this summary becomes all about that pile of greatness lol, I have to acknowledge the greatness at hand. Bob's Burgers is one of those shows that gets funnier the more you watch it. It's honestly one of the better shows on T.V. right now. Everything from the character development to the story boards are well thought out and written. Bob hits me in the heart with his natural responses and realistic sarcasm. This show flows so well, you hardly think it's scripted. Not quite my number one but a serious contender all the same. I'm about to watch an episode right now lol.

2. Trailer Park Boys:

How do I even begin? This show is in no way shape or form, appropriate for children. It's a canadian mockumentary, about three middle aged men trying to make it "big" and retire from crime in their beloved trailer park. The thing that makes this show great is not it's lack of filter, well,,, it kinda is. This show is very raw and hilarious. The actors stay true to the characters in a way that you totally forget it is scripted and begin to truly believe you are watching a reality series. It's easy to grow attached to the members of the trailer park community to the point that you are always rooting for the main cast's illegal scheme to come through so they can save or buy the park... every season. And spoiler alert, every season they fail and go to jail lol. It's hilarious and a timeless Netflix classic. Make sure to check out the show and it's movies.

1. The Office (American and U.K.):

Well, well, well... we have finally reached my number one. The Office is my favorite Netflix show. I have watched it from beginning to end sooooo many times. The cast works so well together and the writing is great blah blah but let's get to the main event... Micheal. I absolutely love that clueless yet lovable oaf. Micheal is one the best and well developed characters like ever and quite frankly a boss I would love to have. Can you say permanent job security??? He is so well written and acted that you could genuinely believe that Steve Carrel is really that stupid and needy lol. Another set of characters that practically make all supporting cast practically irrelevant are Jim and Pam. I love how you get to see the course of their relationship and while they fall in love with each other, you are falling in love with them. Which if you think about it, kind of makes you the creepy third wheel but we make that sacrifice just to be apart of it. Now that I think of it, that's sort of a Micheal thing to do. Oh god. We are like Micheal!!! Moving on from that shocking revelation, this show does what is one of the most important thing any form of entertainment should do for you when you experience it, gives you a feel good feeling. At the end of the day, the office is a realistic comedy that is nothing but a pure joy to watch. Thus it gets my numero uno spot on my Top 10 Netflix Binger List!!!

 Hey guys thank you so much for taking the time to read the post, it is much appreciated. Don't forget to click on the links below and to visit my twitch stream if you haven't already and follow so we can kick it and stream. And please feel free to comment, I want everything to be as interactive as possible for both the blog and the stream. I play with viewers when I can. I don't know if you're aware but I am both a song writer and an author so I have created a donations option to your right, if you would like to help me further my twitch streaming, publish and copyright my books, and properly record  my music.
In the meantime, explore the blog and hopefully it brightens a day or two!!!

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Make sure to check out some of my game reviews:

Check out my E3 post: E3 2015 Fallout Shelter

In honor of my number one spot here's a vid, enjoy!!!

To all my players, I say GameON!!!

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