Sunday, August 9, 2015

Rocket League (Rocket Rage) Review

Ok... I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is, I found a game that implements some of the greatest things about gaming. It's simple and easy to rank up. there are unlockable treasures that add momentum and purpose to the game, and you have the option to play lone ranger style or have a full on party with your friends. Plus it's competitive sport feel, leaves tons of room for everything from strategic team speak to sweet taunting trash talk. God I love to trash talk!

Now, for the bad news. It makes me rage and when I say rage, I mean raaaaaggggggeeee!!! Of course it isn't necessarily Rocket League's fault. It's more like the people I play with. I mean, I have friends, followers and viewers who are way to good at this game. When I downloaded this game I had three thoughts...

  1. Ooo this game is free. I like free.
  2. Ooo this game is multiplayer. I like multiplayer
  3. Ooo this game has cars. People can't possibly murder me with cars.
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!... They ram into me and murder me with cars. It's called Demolition and it's not fun when you are on the receiving end. And as if that is not enough, these people have the nerve to FLY. That makes the whole point of driving irrelevant! I mean if u can use your boosteses (trademarked and copyrighted lol jk) and hit the ball as it's dead in the air, what is the point of my stupid behind driving every which way but right, trying to hit the ball? The tires have a purpose people... that's right I'm talking to you FAHAD!!! As well as all my other superman wanna be friends out there lol.

That aside, the idea of a soccer game with cars was honestly brilliant in it's simplicity and Rocket League did very well in the adaption of the two. The boost, drift and jump mechanics seem to evolve this simple concept into something where the players are only limited to their skill and imagination when it comes to how they play the game. I also love how this game literally allows the players to use everything around them to advance in the game. Seriously, when you see a car hit your car into the ball to make me score on my on my own freaking goal (screw you deep) or when you see a car forward flip themselves from one side of the arena to the other, using no boost by the way, and score while you are still trying to remove yourself from the wall, (screw you brendan) or when you've raced across the arena to everyone's and quite honestly even your own surprise, pull out an epic save and just as you begin to celebrate, you see Fahad jumping off the ceiling and boosting the ball into your goal at an angle that even god was struggling to understand and especially when your teammate has practically gift wrapped a perfect set up for you and you're charging the ball at full speed, knowing that you are about to taste the sweet satisfaction of the failure of four dicks who have been taunting your every flaw with "Oh Bri missed the ball again... But of course, as is tradition." (direct quote) and then suddenly out of the corner of your eye you see two merciless tires (one inside the freaking goal!!!) lightly tap the ball, shattering your hope and crushing your Rocket League dreams, you can't help but applaud the genius behind the design.

They literally give power to the players on this one and if you know me or have read any of my other reviews, I love the idea of paying for a product that works for and with you. In my opinion, Rocket League does just that.Though I have rage quit, I can play Rocket Rage for hours and not get tired of it, which for me says a lot. For all these reasons, I give Rocket League a...

Sour Skittles Rating...

Much like sour skittles this game has a delightful sting to it that marries well with it's chewy sweet center. When ingested properly, it can be amazing but when abused it can be bad for your health. Beware to those with douchie friends!!! Just as your friends can get you to eat a mouth full of sour skittles, they can shove the delightful sting of this game down your throat, burning you, possibly for life. This sweet treat has the ability to be a tool of your own demise if you let it. Overall though, it's amazing and is the best time, when the sourie sting is divided evenly. Trust me, when you are the only person who's sucking on sour, you experience a soreness like no other lol. 

Hey guys thank you so much for taking the time to read the post, it is much appreciated. Don't forget to click on the links below and to visit my twitch stream if you haven't already and follow so we can game and stream. Browse the previous broadcasts and highlights, I stream daily so there are hours and hours of fun. And please feel free to comment, I want everything to be as interactive as possible for both the blog and the stream. I play with viewers when I can. I don't know if you're aware but I am both a song writer and an author so I have created a donations option to your right, if you would like to help me further my twitch streaming, publish and copyright my books, and properly record  my music.
In the meantime, explore the blog, comment and share!!!

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Make sure to check out some of my game reviews:

Check out my E3 post: E3 2015 Fallout Shelter

By the way guys, Rocket Rage is no longer free on PS4 but it is $19.99 USD on the playstation store and in my opinion is worth every penny!!!


Anonymous said...

My favorite skittles is the purple kind guess who i am

Unknown said...

...taste the rainbow??? lol

Unknown said...

Wel umm sour skittles. I wouldnt had expected such word play but u can't read a book by it's cover. Any who keep it up i'm rooting for u 👍.