Monday, April 27, 2015

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3... Co Op?!?!?!

Guys!!! Guys!!! Guys!!!... They finally gave us what we have been wanting all along. The announcement has been made as of this past Friday, Call of Duty Black Ops 3 will have four player co op. Thank the COD gods! When I heard this news, I nearly pulled a battlefield. By that I mean die and be defibbed back to life. That's right, I made up a word for the occasion because it is that serious.

In all seriousness, though I'm happy about the campaign cooperative play that they've included, I am so ecstatic to tell you that there is more. Along with the co op, they are also including avatar creation and customization, a.k.a. no more pre-set characters! I'm excited to see how in-depth they allow us to go with our avatar's physical appearance and the variety of customization they give us, so that we are able to make our truly one of a kind soldiers.

One thing I noticed in the trailer, they are going with the future cyber-soldier thing, reminiscent of Advanced Warfare. Now of course, they are not going to make the two games too similar, but again we're seeing the same kind of thing. I can't honestly say that I'm surprised though. Think about it. Advanced Warfare did what Ghost tried to do. By that I mean, it brought a new element to the game while still holding it's original appeal. In my opinion, AW was a COD success, especially with the addition of zombies. And the Havoc maps, pure COD cocaine. Trying to follow that act with the same old same old just wouldn't cut it. Thus, Black Ops 3 has all this AW meets Titanfall aspects in it. I mention Titanfall because it was also announced that new mechanics, such as wall running, would be introduced into the game.

One thing that really caught my eye though, was a part where the narrator said "How far could we push technology, before it start pushing back?"... Before you know it, they are fighting robots. Being that I'm a sucker for whooping up an android, I hope they pull this one off but with COD, you never know lol. All and all, I honestly don't know how I feel about all the changes or the direction they are going with the game. The one thing I do know is that I, like every other COD-head is going to buy and play it lol. If you haven't had a chance to check the trailer out, here you go...

Only time will tell...

Release: November 16, 2015
PS4, XboxOne, PC

And don't forget guys, pre-orders allow access to the multiplayer beta. Date not yet released.

If you wanna watch my stream or previous broadcasts, here's the link: JustAGirlWhoGames Twitch Channel
Click on the link and follow, you'll get an email notification when I start streaming and then you can come hang with me and have some fun.

Hey guys thank you so much for taking the time to read the post, it is much appreciated. I'm really excited to see how this game plays out... get it... game... plays... nevermind lol.. Don't forget to click on the link above to go to my twitch if you haven't already and follow so we can kick it and stream. And please feel free to comment, I want everything to be as interactive as possible for both the blog and the stream. I play with viewers when I can. I don't know if you're aware but I am both a song writer and an author so I have created a donations option to your right, if you would like to help me further my twitch streaming, publish and copyright my books, and purchase a decent microphone so I can record  my music and sell it properly.
For more information on how to buy songs and hear samples, email me @ All inquiries are welcome.
In the meantime, explore the blog and hopefully it brightens a day or two!!!

Make sure to check out some of my game reviews:

For a chuckle, check out these posts: It's coming... But it didn't lol aaaaaaannnnnd Mario lovers BEWARE!!!

Don't forget to follow the blog, add me to your circles, +1 the post and SHARE ON EVERYTHING!!! Thanks again guys and until next time...

To all players I say, GameON

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