Sunday, June 22, 2014

Just a Girl Who Games

Hey, my name is Bri aka BriBaby and I am just a girl who games. I have another blog, Writer4Hire (which you should definitely check out lol) but I wanted a blog that was all things gaming, anime and all my other little guilty pleasures. I thought I'd get started by introducing myself as a gamer. Due to my current lack of finance, I am not on the newest of the new like I would like to be. But fear not my fellow gamers! For when there's WiFi there is a way.

I have taken this circumstance and turned into an opportunity. An opportunity to get in touch with my gaming roots. By that I mean, Halo. True, I had a PlayStation and a Gameboy Color (it was the purple see through one... omg i loved that thing) back in the day and occasionally hurt some feelings on Super Smash Bros Melee on Gamecube, but I didn't consider myself an actual GAMER until I played Halo 2 on the original XBOX. 

Yeah, yeah I know that is a pretty recent-ish release but I'm just being honest. I'm a girly-girl, tomboy hybrid, so video games didn't do as much for me then as they do now. But like a lightning bolt to the brain it finally hit me. Hello first person shooter! I don't know what it was about mercilessly DESTROOOOOOOOOYING my uncle and cousin on a custom game, but I discovered a totally new side to myself. Well give or take an O , aaaaaaand i usually betrayed my uncle, but back then a head shot was a head shot. 

Though, multiplayer will always be my first love, I didn't truly know gaming until I actually played a campaign. It had never occurred to me that I could sit down by myself, play a video game, and actually care about my character's life, making it to the next objective, and gaining achievements for what I'd done. After reaching this epiphany, I thought to myself, "Well what else have I been missing?" Thus, I got an Xbox 360.

 From there, i bought Halo's 3, ODST, Reach, (your welcome Bungie) and of course Halo 4 (your welcome 343). But I did not limit myself there. I played with different games of different genres and consoles. I found tons i loved (COD, The Sims, Heavy Rain) and some I didn't like so much (Magic... just any of them). If I'm being true to myself though, Halo is my fave... even if 343 completely ruins the franchise. Like seriously, as a buyer of the legendary edition of Halo 4... I was disappointed. In my opinion, i loved the graphics for the game and the campaign was a riot, especially when your're killing it on co op with a party of your friends, just being complete idiots. Ahh, good times. But I gotta be honest, the multiplayer was lacking. Even the DLC was eehhh. I would hope that they do much better with Halo 5's.

Speaking of which, I figured it would only be proper for my favorite game to be the topic for my next post. I call it the Halo Discussion. We'll go over the halos of the past and our hopes for the halos to come. I'll include my thoughts on the new Halo news and a Halo themed challenge, created by mwah. Thats right! This blog has challenges... DEAL WITH IT!!! LOL

So, in the comment section below, I want you guys to tell me what your favorite game up to date is and what game got you into being a gamer??? Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed hearing my "game beginnings" just as much as I'm going to enjoy yours.

Check out my next post: It's Coming!!!

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