Sunday, August 9, 2015

Rocket League (Rocket Rage) Review

Ok... I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is, I found a game that implements some of the greatest things about gaming. It's simple and easy to rank up. there are unlockable treasures that add momentum and purpose to the game, and you have the option to play lone ranger style or have a full on party with your friends. Plus it's competitive sport feel, leaves tons of room for everything from strategic team speak to sweet taunting trash talk. God I love to trash talk!

Now, for the bad news. It makes me rage and when I say rage, I mean raaaaaggggggeeee!!! Of course it isn't necessarily Rocket League's fault. It's more like the people I play with. I mean, I have friends, followers and viewers who are way to good at this game. When I downloaded this game I had three thoughts...

  1. Ooo this game is free. I like free.
  2. Ooo this game is multiplayer. I like multiplayer
  3. Ooo this game has cars. People can't possibly murder me with cars.
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!... They ram into me and murder me with cars. It's called Demolition and it's not fun when you are on the receiving end. And as if that is not enough, these people have the nerve to FLY. That makes the whole point of driving irrelevant! I mean if u can use your boosteses (trademarked and copyrighted lol jk) and hit the ball as it's dead in the air, what is the point of my stupid behind driving every which way but right, trying to hit the ball? The tires have a purpose people... that's right I'm talking to you FAHAD!!! As well as all my other superman wanna be friends out there lol.

That aside, the idea of a soccer game with cars was honestly brilliant in it's simplicity and Rocket League did very well in the adaption of the two. The boost, drift and jump mechanics seem to evolve this simple concept into something where the players are only limited to their skill and imagination when it comes to how they play the game. I also love how this game literally allows the players to use everything around them to advance in the game. Seriously, when you see a car hit your car into the ball to make me score on my on my own freaking goal (screw you deep) or when you see a car forward flip themselves from one side of the arena to the other, using no boost by the way, and score while you are still trying to remove yourself from the wall, (screw you brendan) or when you've raced across the arena to everyone's and quite honestly even your own surprise, pull out an epic save and just as you begin to celebrate, you see Fahad jumping off the ceiling and boosting the ball into your goal at an angle that even god was struggling to understand and especially when your teammate has practically gift wrapped a perfect set up for you and you're charging the ball at full speed, knowing that you are about to taste the sweet satisfaction of the failure of four dicks who have been taunting your every flaw with "Oh Bri missed the ball again... But of course, as is tradition." (direct quote) and then suddenly out of the corner of your eye you see two merciless tires (one inside the freaking goal!!!) lightly tap the ball, shattering your hope and crushing your Rocket League dreams, you can't help but applaud the genius behind the design.

They literally give power to the players on this one and if you know me or have read any of my other reviews, I love the idea of paying for a product that works for and with you. In my opinion, Rocket League does just that.Though I have rage quit, I can play Rocket Rage for hours and not get tired of it, which for me says a lot. For all these reasons, I give Rocket League a...

Sour Skittles Rating...

Much like sour skittles this game has a delightful sting to it that marries well with it's chewy sweet center. When ingested properly, it can be amazing but when abused it can be bad for your health. Beware to those with douchie friends!!! Just as your friends can get you to eat a mouth full of sour skittles, they can shove the delightful sting of this game down your throat, burning you, possibly for life. This sweet treat has the ability to be a tool of your own demise if you let it. Overall though, it's amazing and is the best time, when the sourie sting is divided evenly. Trust me, when you are the only person who's sucking on sour, you experience a soreness like no other lol. 

Hey guys thank you so much for taking the time to read the post, it is much appreciated. Don't forget to click on the links below and to visit my twitch stream if you haven't already and follow so we can game and stream. Browse the previous broadcasts and highlights, I stream daily so there are hours and hours of fun. And please feel free to comment, I want everything to be as interactive as possible for both the blog and the stream. I play with viewers when I can. I don't know if you're aware but I am both a song writer and an author so I have created a donations option to your right, if you would like to help me further my twitch streaming, publish and copyright my books, and properly record  my music.
In the meantime, explore the blog, comment and share!!!

JustAGirlWhoGames Twitch Tv
JustAGirlWhoGames Twitter

Make sure to check out some of my game reviews:

Check out my E3 post: E3 2015 Fallout Shelter

By the way guys, Rocket Rage is no longer free on PS4 but it is $19.99 USD on the playstation store and in my opinion is worth every penny!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

My Top 10 Netflix Bingers (Multiple Season Edition)

I don't know about you, but I am absolutely in love with Netflix! I have an extremely busy schedule, so its nice to be able to watch what I want when I want. I'm so serious! Netflix is up there with the invention of the automobile, telephone, and snickers bar. So yeah, it's UP there. It didn't take long for me to find out that I'm a BFL (binger for life). So being that I've tackled a few shows (some of which I am ashamed), I wanted to share my Top 10 list because I care lol. But seriously, this is a list of shows that had been out for a minimum of two years, before I even gave them a chance, that I now love. At the end of the blog there is a video to honor the number one spot, so stay tuned.

10. Heroes:

I was told about this show a couple of years ago and wasn't to keen on watching it. Once I did however, I was hooked. This show is fascinating in the way that everything is connected in some way or form. If you haven't seen it already, prepare to get mind raped. It plays with superpowers in a way that I never would've thought of. After about a month or so of binge watching, it got a bit (too much) for me. Not that I didn't like it, but the story line is so complex that it could overload you if clustered together. Worth a watch but only deserving of a number 10.

9. Psych:

Now this show, which I am proud to say, I found on my own well, Netflix kinda suggested it but that's beside the point. Psych is a witty crime drama/ comedy, where this guy pretends to be psychic but is really just observant and has awesome deduction skills. Reminiscent of a young, modern, reckless, and slightly dumb Sherlock Holmes. The show is so easy to get into and it's story is kind of episode to episode so you don't really have to see all of them to get it. The only reason this show made number 9 and not higher is because it lacks a progressive story over all and holds the same tempo. There's no climax so there is no build up, thus not much to keep you gripped to it.

8. Desperate Housewives:

Ok. I would've been the first one to say, "You're watching desperate housewives?! WTF Bri?!", Before you judge, if you haven't seen a bunch of women who appear to have it together, run around like chickens with there heads cut off, trying to plot against and keep secrets from each other, you haven't lived. I'll be the first to admit... Desperate Housewives is soooo juicy lol. The secrets, the murder, the scandal... it's all so juicy. Yet, no one goes to jail... anyways. There is no main character, in my opinion but I love the main cast. Each has a reason for you to both love and hate them. No one is innocent, which makes the show that much more interesting. Much like many shows, they stretch it a bit for more seasons and add more unnecessary stuff into it, overall losing grip on the main story but still worthy of an 8.

7. American Dad:

American Dad is the best (in my opinion) of Seth McFarlane's work so far. Except for maybe TED. TED was hilarious and hope TED 2 lives up to it. Anyways, American Dad may seem like a goofy, pointless show like Family Guy but it's characters are so much more developed and likable. Personally, I think Roger is one of the greatest characters on T.V. Not because he's crazy and hilarious but because over the course of the show he evolved from a supporting character to a main character that at a lot of different points, carries the show. The show overall is random but has some sort of story and breaks the fourth wall sometimes but it's funny and is charming enough to keep you interested. If you get excited about a new season of a show, I feel like the previous season does it's job and this show did that for me. Plus, I got pissed when FOX cancelled it.

6. Sherlock:

Just in case you didn't know, I am the world's best casting director (in my mind), but I wouldn't have thought to cast Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes. It was sheer brilliance! Sherlock has long episodes with short seasons but is so captivating, you just don't care. It's a beautiful , realistic take on the classic. It made rethink Robert Downy Jr. as my favorite holmie... see what i did there? no? ok...
By the way, can I just say that that guy from lord of the rings is making tons of cha ching right now. Martin Freeman is one of those guys you see here and there and at first don't think much of. Then before you know it, he's everywhere and you're like "Who is this guy?" lol I love them both and really have nothing negative to say about this show. It just doesn't grab me as deeply as my top 5.

5. How I Met Your Mother:

How I met your mother, one of the cutest and longest stories of our time. it literally took Ted nine years to tell it. Never before has a backstory been so much better than the actual story itself, in all of history. I was told that I haven't lived until I've watched this show, by a person who hadn't seen game of thrones... but I forgave them for them for it and they are now righting that wrong by becoming apart of this century and is now in love with it lol. I hate to admit it but they were right. This show is sooooo amazing! I don't have a favorite character because they are all my favorite. Whoever was the writer for this show is an absolute genius. The jokes and script are so original and witty, I rewound several parts to relive the joy lol. This show gets 5 stars from me on my 5 spot. I would've been higher had Ted not taken nine seasons to tell a cute story. Plus (SPOILER ALERT) it ended up being a dick around because in the end he got with the original girl they made you think the mother was in the first place. Deceitful lol

4. Dexter:

Now I don't condone killing but I can't help but love this serial killer. Dexter is a forensic analyst for the Miami PD, who murders criminals that slip through the cracks of the system. I mean come on, who else would know how to clean up a crime scene and get away with it better?! The reason I love this show is it's interesting take on a crime drama. Dexter is generally a good guy that has this . monster that's apart of him due to a traumatic childhood incident. What gets you is that he's trying to feed his bloodlust by killing people who have escaped their just punishments and yet starting to feel more natural human emotions, which makes for a lot of inner turmoil. Plus, he's a serial killer that hunts down serial killers. So yeah, it goes there.

3. Bob's Burgers:

Bob's Burgers was created by some of the same people who took part in one of my favorite shows of all time, King of the Hill. Before this summary becomes all about that pile of greatness lol, I have to acknowledge the greatness at hand. Bob's Burgers is one of those shows that gets funnier the more you watch it. It's honestly one of the better shows on T.V. right now. Everything from the character development to the story boards are well thought out and written. Bob hits me in the heart with his natural responses and realistic sarcasm. This show flows so well, you hardly think it's scripted. Not quite my number one but a serious contender all the same. I'm about to watch an episode right now lol.

2. Trailer Park Boys:

How do I even begin? This show is in no way shape or form, appropriate for children. It's a canadian mockumentary, about three middle aged men trying to make it "big" and retire from crime in their beloved trailer park. The thing that makes this show great is not it's lack of filter, well,,, it kinda is. This show is very raw and hilarious. The actors stay true to the characters in a way that you totally forget it is scripted and begin to truly believe you are watching a reality series. It's easy to grow attached to the members of the trailer park community to the point that you are always rooting for the main cast's illegal scheme to come through so they can save or buy the park... every season. And spoiler alert, every season they fail and go to jail lol. It's hilarious and a timeless Netflix classic. Make sure to check out the show and it's movies.

1. The Office (American and U.K.):

Well, well, well... we have finally reached my number one. The Office is my favorite Netflix show. I have watched it from beginning to end sooooo many times. The cast works so well together and the writing is great blah blah but let's get to the main event... Micheal. I absolutely love that clueless yet lovable oaf. Micheal is one the best and well developed characters like ever and quite frankly a boss I would love to have. Can you say permanent job security??? He is so well written and acted that you could genuinely believe that Steve Carrel is really that stupid and needy lol. Another set of characters that practically make all supporting cast practically irrelevant are Jim and Pam. I love how you get to see the course of their relationship and while they fall in love with each other, you are falling in love with them. Which if you think about it, kind of makes you the creepy third wheel but we make that sacrifice just to be apart of it. Now that I think of it, that's sort of a Micheal thing to do. Oh god. We are like Micheal!!! Moving on from that shocking revelation, this show does what is one of the most important thing any form of entertainment should do for you when you experience it, gives you a feel good feeling. At the end of the day, the office is a realistic comedy that is nothing but a pure joy to watch. Thus it gets my numero uno spot on my Top 10 Netflix Binger List!!!

 Hey guys thank you so much for taking the time to read the post, it is much appreciated. Don't forget to click on the links below and to visit my twitch stream if you haven't already and follow so we can kick it and stream. And please feel free to comment, I want everything to be as interactive as possible for both the blog and the stream. I play with viewers when I can. I don't know if you're aware but I am both a song writer and an author so I have created a donations option to your right, if you would like to help me further my twitch streaming, publish and copyright my books, and properly record  my music.
In the meantime, explore the blog and hopefully it brightens a day or two!!!

JustAGirlWhoGames Twitch Tv
JustAGirlWhoGames Twitter

Make sure to check out some of my game reviews:

Check out my E3 post: E3 2015 Fallout Shelter

In honor of my number one spot here's a vid, enjoy!!!

To all my players, I say GameON!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

E3 2015: Fallout Shelter

If you guys didn't know i am a huuuuuuge mobile gamer. There is nothing like an amazing mobile game to transform your phone or tablet into the console you always wanted.

Moments ago, Bethesda announced Fallout Shelter at E3. Omg, it looks amazing!!! The point of the game is you are the creator and directer of your very own vault. You build it, take care of the people inside it and control it. An extremely cool feature that I like is that you can micro manage the people and their lives. Being the SIMmer I am, the thought of training, leveling up and watching my community grow, brings me to a "super hyped" level for this game. Inside the vault, there are tons of different things for your people to do, including jobs that you train and assign them to do. 

Apart of keeping your vault going is ensuring that it has enough food and water to sustain your people. Another cool aspect is that there are also challenges like, raiders, accidents, and even bug infestations... Gross lol. All in all, i'm so excited for this game to come out. Back to E3!!!


I have been playing Fallout Shelter for about 2 weeks now. I absolutely love it!!! It's everything I love about mobile games. It's addictive, free, and gives you the ability to progress at a satisfying rate. Unlike most in app purchase games, Fallout Shelter is realistically playable without having to purchase bottle caps and lunch boxes. It feels fair, which I believe empowers the player and shows them respect by not forcing their hand if they want to continue to play. Unlocking rooms and adding dwellers is the perfect balance of ease and challenge, though for me personally keeping them happy is a task I find nearly impossible lol. I have yet to find the right equation for supplying my vault with enough resources but I am far from giving up. To be honest, I actually find this challenge to be one of my favorite aspects of this game. I love when a game gives me all the pieces and leaves it up to me to figure out how to make them work.

The only thing I don't like in this game is the freaking roaches. When you rush a rooms production and fail, you can be hit with an incident. The incident is either a fire breaks out or the room is infested by roaches. These roaches in my opinion are extremely over powered and kill even my strongest, armed dwellers. I can't tell you how many times I've lost nearly my whole vault population to these pests. Thank god I keep the women pregnant lol.

All in all this game is great and definitely worth a download. Unfortunately it is currently only available in the App Store, but it will be released for Android in a matter of months I believe.

Thanks for reading guys!!! If you haven't already be sure to check out my twitch: JustAGirlWhoGames.  Browse the past broadcasts and highlights to get the full JustAGirlWhoGames experience. If you are willing and able feel free to support my blog and twitch with donations and sponsorships so I can continue giving the entertainment, giveaways and more that you guys seem to love. (For the time being, a paypal account is required to donate) If you can't get enough and need more, here are some of my game reviews.

Geometry Dash... Genius or Genocide???

Why... Bloodbourne... Why???

And for a laugh...

The Luigi Death Stare

Confirmed Date for Fallout 4: November 10th!!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3... Co Op?!?!?!

Guys!!! Guys!!! Guys!!!... They finally gave us what we have been wanting all along. The announcement has been made as of this past Friday, Call of Duty Black Ops 3 will have four player co op. Thank the COD gods! When I heard this news, I nearly pulled a battlefield. By that I mean die and be defibbed back to life. That's right, I made up a word for the occasion because it is that serious.

In all seriousness, though I'm happy about the campaign cooperative play that they've included, I am so ecstatic to tell you that there is more. Along with the co op, they are also including avatar creation and customization, a.k.a. no more pre-set characters! I'm excited to see how in-depth they allow us to go with our avatar's physical appearance and the variety of customization they give us, so that we are able to make our truly one of a kind soldiers.

One thing I noticed in the trailer, they are going with the future cyber-soldier thing, reminiscent of Advanced Warfare. Now of course, they are not going to make the two games too similar, but again we're seeing the same kind of thing. I can't honestly say that I'm surprised though. Think about it. Advanced Warfare did what Ghost tried to do. By that I mean, it brought a new element to the game while still holding it's original appeal. In my opinion, AW was a COD success, especially with the addition of zombies. And the Havoc maps, pure COD cocaine. Trying to follow that act with the same old same old just wouldn't cut it. Thus, Black Ops 3 has all this AW meets Titanfall aspects in it. I mention Titanfall because it was also announced that new mechanics, such as wall running, would be introduced into the game.

One thing that really caught my eye though, was a part where the narrator said "How far could we push technology, before it start pushing back?"... Before you know it, they are fighting robots. Being that I'm a sucker for whooping up an android, I hope they pull this one off but with COD, you never know lol. All and all, I honestly don't know how I feel about all the changes or the direction they are going with the game. The one thing I do know is that I, like every other COD-head is going to buy and play it lol. If you haven't had a chance to check the trailer out, here you go...

Only time will tell...

Release: November 16, 2015
PS4, XboxOne, PC

And don't forget guys, pre-orders allow access to the multiplayer beta. Date not yet released.

If you wanna watch my stream or previous broadcasts, here's the link: JustAGirlWhoGames Twitch Channel
Click on the link and follow, you'll get an email notification when I start streaming and then you can come hang with me and have some fun.

Hey guys thank you so much for taking the time to read the post, it is much appreciated. I'm really excited to see how this game plays out... get it... game... plays... nevermind lol.. Don't forget to click on the link above to go to my twitch if you haven't already and follow so we can kick it and stream. And please feel free to comment, I want everything to be as interactive as possible for both the blog and the stream. I play with viewers when I can. I don't know if you're aware but I am both a song writer and an author so I have created a donations option to your right, if you would like to help me further my twitch streaming, publish and copyright my books, and purchase a decent microphone so I can record  my music and sell it properly.
For more information on how to buy songs and hear samples, email me @ All inquiries are welcome.
In the meantime, explore the blog and hopefully it brightens a day or two!!!

Make sure to check out some of my game reviews:

For a chuckle, check out these posts: It's coming... But it didn't lol aaaaaaannnnnd Mario lovers BEWARE!!!

Don't forget to follow the blog, add me to your circles, +1 the post and SHARE ON EVERYTHING!!! Thanks again guys and until next time...

To all players I say, GameON

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Geometry Dash... Genius or Genocide??? (Review)

Here we go again... yet another game that continues to hand it to me. Strangely, I actually like this whooping. In all seriousness... this game is awesome!!! If you haven't played it yet, drop whatever you're doing... well... read this post. Comment on it. Share it. Theeeeeen drop everything you're doing, and download it!!! Being the cost efficient (tight fisted) person I am, I downloaded the Lite (free) version on my phone and I can't put it down. I haven't been this addicted to a game since bubble pop. Just so you know, the game isn't called bubble pop, I just called it that and now that's it's been a couple years I can't recall it's true name. Bubble pop is a better name anyways lol. But back to the subject at hand.

If you don't know what Geometry Dash is, it's a side scroller where you are a little square and all you have to do is jump. Simple right? No. Not simple. Very unsimple. In this game, they throw the book at you slowly but surely. Each level, teaching you a more advanced aspect of the game. Alongside teaching you, that you and your time are expendable lol. This game is the perfect example of a simple concept that can be transformed into the very definition of try and try again. But just with about fifty more tries tacked onto it. I'll post some links to what I'm talking about at the end of this post. Now usually I would say "Bump this game", if a game makes you do the same thing over and over again. Perfect example: Why Bloodborne...Why???

But I think I know why this game has me hooked. Two words. The Music!!! It is super catchy. And the crazy thing is, that is one of the very many things that can mess you up. You're hopping along with your little square, trying not to hit any triangles or rectangles, pretty much any shape that isn't square. SMH... shapists. Suddenly, this soft little beat that they comfort you with, turns into this hot beat and the bass is hitting really hard making you want to bob your head. And of course when u do a record scratches, the music abruptly stops and without warning, you're back at square one. LITERALLY!!! I'm not mad at them for that though because level two will very soon be my ringtone lol.

This game is all in all pretty good. It's simple enough for most ages to get the hang of it, hard enough to keep people's interest, and ruthless enough to challenge the crazy hardcore (win or die) gamers. I didn't necessarily mean this to be a review but, it kind of is now soooo... Geometry Dash gets a...

Hershey Bar Rating

Much like the Hershey Bar, Geometry Dash has a simple premise. But with the slightest adjustments,
it can transform into a lot of crazy but amazing things that reach out and grab several types of audiences. Plus, I've been told that both the candy and game can make you go NUTS. You see what I did there... No? Ok, The thing that really bonds the two, are their ability to become something so different from where they began but still hold true to their original design. Something that not many things or people for that matter, can do. Plus, both give you the urge to snap a square in half.

Sooooo... Genius or Genocide???... Genius. It makes you want to pull your hair out... but in a good way. I think lol.

Hey guys thank you so much for taking the time to read the post, it is much appreciated. Hopefully for those of you who haven't played the game yet, it encouraged you to play it, but probably not lol. Either way, I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to click on the link below to go to my twitch if you haven't already and follow so we can kick it and stream. And please feel free to comment, I want it to be as interactive as possible. Both the blog and the stream. I play with viewers when I can. I don't know if you're aware but I am both a song writer and an author so I have created a donations option to your right, if you would like to help me further my twitch streaming, publish and copyright my books, and purchase a decent microphone so I can record  my music and sell it properly.
For more information on how to buy songs and hear samples, email me @ All inquiries are welcome.

This is game is available for PC, IOS, and Andriod
Download it the full game for 3.99 or the lite version for free.

For a chuckle, check out these posts: It's coming... But it didn't lol aaaaaaannnnnd Mario lovers BEWARE!!!

Don't forget to follow the blog, add me to your circles, +1 the post and SHARE ON EVERYTHING!!! Thanks again guys and until next time...

To all players I say, GameON

OMG I almost forgot, here's a link to one of my favorite youtubers playing geometry dash!!! Check him out: DashieGames

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Why Bloodborne... Why? (Review)

So as you guys know, I've been streaming lately. And one of the games has been Bloodborne on my PS4. Which so happens to be the only platform you can play it on apparently lol. Anyways, I am on my second day playing, I've put in about 3 hours of gameplay... and I just made it to the first boss. Notice, I said just made it to him, not beat him. LOL

If you wanna watch my stream or previous broadcasts, here's the link: JustAGirlWhoGames Twitch Channel
Click on the link and follow, you'll get an email notification when I start streaming and then you can come hang with me and have some fun.

Back to the stress!!!

I'm doing a blind gameplay. Meaning that I have not researched this game in any way, have no idea what I'm doing and am dying... ALOT. Luckily for me, I have some amazingly helpful viewers, trying to lead deaf and blind little me down the path of victory. Though, I swear I play as if I'm determined to go down the path of destruction LOL.

Things I know now, that I didn't know before that I wish I would've before playing:

  • These A.I's DON'T PLAY GAMES!!! LOL At all.
  • When you die, you start aaaaaalllllllll over. At least every level, I think. I honestly don't know since I'm still on level 1. 
  • This is a Japanese game. Had I known this, I would've taken an Excedrin first.
  • When you die, you also lose all your money or bloodechoes... thus no money to buy health or blood vials.
  • When you do by some miracle survive and keep you bloodechoes, when you go to the hunter's dream place to shop, all the bad guys that you just defeated regenerate... FML
  • They put jump scares in this game. It just would've been nice to have some mental prep on that one.
  • This game is RUTHLESS. At least to me. The death to life ratio is a joke.

This started as a rant, but I now see it is slowly turning into a first impression review lol. So lets do it right...

There's only one word I can think use to describe my personal experience, frustration. I can't pass the first level of this game. I played it again today and tried to be smart about it, but it's just not enough. I'm getting ready to chalk it up to my lack of skill. What I need is a NSR game, like minecraft. And even parts of that are above my pay grade lol. By the way, NSR is a short for No Skill Required (Copyright and patten) lol just kidding. Anyways, this game is not for the weak of spirit because it will run over your spirit, crushing it into spirit pieces, pull a U-turn, and procede to grind those spirit pieces into spirit dust. Which, it then sells to fairies at a discounted price. That's right, fairy dust is made from the crushed spirits of gamers. The more you know.

But seriously, this game isn't overly difficult, just repetitive and challenging. It's for those of you whom like to play it close to the chest. Run and gunners beware. It takes patience, thought and a bit of skill. All and all it's not for me but I definitely could see it's appeal for those who can pass the first level lol. I haven't given up on it though so will update you if I make it to level two (don't hold your breathe lol). Soooo.... now to the good part. The rating!!!

Pop Rocks Rating!!!

Much like pop rocks, this game is fun but dangerous. It's a perfect example of pleasure and pain... For some (a.k.a. me) more painful than pleasant lol. I pop it in when I start to feel a bit courageous and then experience instant regret, once I start to feel the effects of what I've just done. Though they are the perfect candy for some brave souls out there, I prefer them in smaller doses.

Hey guys thank you so much for taking the time to read the post, it is much appreciated. Hopefully for those of you who haven't played the game yet, it was helpful, but it probably not lol. I'll be honest, it kind of started as a rant and somehow transformed into a review. Either way, I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to click on the link to my twitch if you haven't already and follow so you can see me stream. And please feel free to comment, I want it to be as interactive as possible. I play with viewers when I can. I don't know if you're aware but I am both a song writer and an author so I have created a donations option to your right, if you would like to help me further my twitch streaming and purchase a decent microphone so I can record  my music and sell it properly.
For more information on how to buy songs and hear samples, email me @ All inquiries are welcome.

For a chuckle, check out these posts: It's coming... But it didn't lol aaaaaaannnnnd Mario lovers BEWARE!!!

Make sure to check out my next post:Geometry Dash... Genius or Genocide???

Don't forget to follow the blog, add me to your circles, +1 the post and SHARE ON EVERYTHING!!! Thanks again guys and until next time...

To all players I say, GameON

OMG, before I go I just had to share this with you... POP ROCK CHOCOLATE BAR?!?!?! 

But why???

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Let's Talk about... FIGHT CLUB!!!

First rule about Fight Club, don't talk about Fight Club.

So according to, I don't know... everyone, I have been living under a rock since 1999. Why, you may ask? Simply because until last night, I had not watched the movie Fight Club. Apparently, there are tons of references in modern media from the movie and according to "everyone", it was imperative that I "get" them. Honestly, I would be a very rich woman if I was given about 20 dollars every time I heard the phrase, "OMG Bri, you've never seen Fight Club?!" And now that I have, I'm more confused than I was not having seen it. Maybe someone can help me cause this is how I saw it.

First off, the movie is about a regular guy who loves IKEA and has insomnia. I don't remember his name lol. But he who shall not be named, found an aid for his sleeping problems by going to support groups and crying on a guy who was all boobs and no balls... literally. But don't worry he has cancer. Not the nameless guy, th boobs guy. Anyways, nameless guy works for a car company as the person who checks possible recall situations. This explains why he travels so much, but someone please explain how he jumped from a desk jockey to a frequent flyer, because I don't know. So while he's on a plane, he meets a guy named Tyler, who makes soap, is really smart and a little creepy, in my personal opinion. Well, the same day his condo blows up and he ends up asking Tyler if he can stay with him. Strangely, Tyler says yes but I laughed when I saw his place. It was all broke down and falling apart with dirty water and unstable flooring. Honestly, nameless guy might have done better on the street, sleeping in a box, roughing it with the rain. I mean there was no lock on the door lol. But to each his own.

Time passes and nameless guy and Tyler become close... I think, because there is a scene where they're outside a bar and they just start beating the mess out of each other for fun. And I mean they are giving each other black eyes and busted lips lol. Who does that? So, they start doing this regularly and some random guys start joining in and before you know it, they have a weekly poker night in the basement of a bar. Instead of gambling, like normal guys, they are beating each other to a pulp on these flattened cardboard boxes lol. By some miracle, they turn into an organized band of vandals, lead by Tyler.

OMG! I totally forgot about the bride of chucky chick. I can't remember her name either lol. In one of his MANY narration rants, he explains how it all started with her. She came in when he was going to the support groups and he got mad that she was going to them as a "tourist" as he called her. Even though that's exactly what he was doing lol. But yeah, so he and Tyler have this group of random fighting vandal guys and somehow this liberates him. Now back to the bride of chucky, she calls nameless guy and overdosed or something. He leaves the phone cause shes yapping and Tyler picks it up and goes there and they get together. Tyler treats her kind of crappy though and nameless guy acts as if he doesn't like her but the movie implies he does... sometimes. And another thing, there are parts in the movie where Tyler says things and nameless guy repeats it. It's not weird now that I know why but it was then... just saying.

So, Fight Club's getting bigger, a love hate relationship is thrown in there and then Tyler starts doing stuff behind nameless' back. Nameless doesn't like this so he confronts Tyler in a car (big mistake), to which he responds by letting the car run off the road. I don't remember if this is before or after Tyler burns nameless' hand with chemicals or not but one thing is perfectly clear, Tyler is super, Shutter Island crazy! Then one day, nameless wakes up and Tyler is gone, which is weird I guess. So nameless goes through his crap and finds plane ticket stubs or something. For some reason he finds it smart to go to those cities and search the bars, finding out that Tyler has started Fight Club's in like every major city lol. Oh yeah, boob guy gets killed by a cop during a Fight Club mission thingy.

While he's looking for Tyler, the secret Fight Club people keep calling him Tyler. Which on a side note, this guy recruited chefs, police officers, waiters, mailmen, everybody lol. Anyways, he ends up in his hotel and Tyler is there. Get ready for the twist. Turns out, Tyler is a figment of Nameless' imagination and everything Tyler did was really him. Which is funny cause there was a scene where he's beating himself up outside the bar hahahaha. Long story short, he tries to stop the plans he himself put in place to destroy some buildings that housed creditor records or something to reset something. I'm guessing it was meant to be noble, I really couldn't tell cause like I said, dude is crazy lol. Ends up the Tyler part of him had a back up plan and stopped him from stopping him...self? It ends with him shooting his cheek out and getting rid of Tyler and him and the bride of chucky watch the buildings blow up like they're watching a sunset lol.

This left me with so many questions.
Did Tyler's plan work?
Is Tyler gone forever?
Did nameless ever get help for his mental instability?
Is he gonna go to jail for claiming responsibility for the death of boob guy?
What happens to Fight Club?!

I just don't understand how this movie is iconic. Maybe for the fact that it gives you mental whiplash lol. I felt slightly stressed out and disappointed when it was done. I probably won't watch it again and hope that nobody asks me if I liked it because...

The only thing worse than talking about Fight Club, is not liking Fight Club!

Check out my previous gamer blog: The Sims 4 Review

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To all my players, I say... GameON!!!